Thursday, October 29, 2009

Maldives, a haven for terrorists?

President Nasheed has confirmed that hundreds of Maldivians are fighting alongside the Taliban in Pakistan. In an interview given to CNN-IBN on his visit to India he said that many Maldivians going to Pakistan for Islamic studies have joined radical Islamic groups, who are then recruited and send to the front line to fight against the Pakistani Army. After his return he abstained from replying to reporters regarding the issue.
Many Maldivians are opposing his statement saying that it is an attempt to attract US and EU funds to fight terrorism. However there could be some amount of truth in it, but the total number is very unlikely to be that high.  Maldives is supposedly a 100% Islamic country, but how many people actually practice Islam?
Maldives is facing a financial crunch, if prolonged could create chaos in the country. To stay in power, President Nasheed has to find a way out of the current financial situation. If he fails in doing so its very likely that the main opposition party (DRP) would win the next election. In his campaign for the election, President Nasheed promised to hold a mid-term election. After his inauguration when a reporter asked him about the mid-term election he declined to confirm it.

In many people’s eyes President Nasheed has done too many grave mistakes, therefore its time he steps down.

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