Are you having trouble remembering your passwords for numerous web services you use? Are you afraid to login to your accounts from public computers, or are you just lazy and don't care to remember all the passwords? Remember, whatever solution you use you will need to remember at least one good password. This password will allow you access to all other passwords.
There are many password applications available for free, but who wouldn't love to login to a website and login to all his other web services from that website.
Some of the most popular windows password management program is Keypass. If you are interested get it here:
Passpack is a free online password management service which allows you to login to other web services without ever entering the password for that website. You only need a one time configuration by entering the username and password for the particular website.
Clipperz is another online password management service which is similar to passpack (which is also a great service). Just enter the password and username for your online accounts and configure them using a bookmarklet available on their site.
Find out how to setup and configure your accounts by viewing the screen cast.
There are other choices as well. How about Lastpass and 1password. They ar equally easy to use. I will stick with Lastpass for now.